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#1 Rated “Escape Room” on TripAdvisor Pigeon Forge
#1 Rated “Fun & Games” Attraction on TripAdvisor Pigeon Forge

Located on The Island in Pigeon Forge, The Escape Game is the Smokie’s #1 escape room and immersive adventure. As a premier provider of escape rooms, The Escape Game’s adventures play like Hollywood blockbusters with twists, turns, and jaw-dropping surprises around every corner.

Thankfully, pigeons aren't as mean about all this as crows, who are known to hold five-year grudges.But once a pigeon recognizes a human as a threat, it appears there's no way of convincing them. The unwillingness to use pigeons in neural studies of learning and memory probably stems from two factors, one that the avian brain is seen as radically different from the mammalian brain and as. This is also one of the top educational games that helps you learn how to discern various bird species: parrot, owl, pigeon, falcon, eagle, crow, goose, turkey etc. 🐦 Quest For Exotic Birds – Animal Hidden Objects Game Adventure features: 🐦 Best visual memory and concentration game for all generations! I love game pigeon and all, but are a few flaws. Idk if it’s my phone (I don’t think it is it’s new) but whenever I try to just tap on GP to open it it doesn’t work so I have to open App Store, search up the app and tap open. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus: Memory Match After reading Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, use this Memory Matching puzzle to help students build familiarity with the book's vocabulary words. Find matching pairs of words to complete the game. Each new game presents a new set of randomly selected words.

Their 60-minute adventures bring epic stories to life in a one-of-a-kind tactile experience. Here’s how it works: You and your team will work together to find clues, overcome challenges, and ultimately complete a mission. Escaping will require teamwork, communication, wits, a sense of adventure, and most importantly: YOU!

The Escape Game truly is epic for everyone, from friends and families to thrill-seeking tourists and team building outings. And by making the most accessible and immersive escape rooms in the world, The Escape Game’s adventures are more exciting, more inviting, and everyone gets a chance to save the day. Best of all, all adventures only take an hour to complete—so you can be the hero and still make it in time for dinner. Cheat at game pigeon. Book your adventure at

“A phenomenal success and the best entertainment experience you could ask for!”
– Tonya G, TripAdvisor

“The details, elaborate settings, & clever puzzles do not disappoint!”
– Kandice, TripAdvisor

“This place is top shelf. The staff is amazing, the facility is unparalleled. BEST ESCAPE ROOM I HAVE EVER BEEN TO!!!”
– Rick T, TripAdvisor

“If you have even 1% of thought in trying this out, then stop what you’re doing now and book a room. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!”
– Jason M, TripAdvisor

“By far one of the best experiences I have ever had in 43 years of life!”
– Tiffany, TripAdvisor

Choose Your Escape

Mission: Mars: You’ve landed on Mars, but your ship’s oxygen, power and communication systems are down. Can you repair the ship before the solar flare hits?

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Prison Break: The merciless warden will be in a meeting for 60 minutes. Can you escape in time?

Gold Rush: You’re on the hunt for hidden gold…but so is the mob. Find it first!


The Heist: A priceless piece of art has gone missing. Can you pull off the ultimate art heist and steal it back?

Classified: Be a hero to the world and stop an impending attack.

P.S. The Escape Game isn’t just for those looking for an awesome adventure. The Escape Game is also a great team building activity and corporate outing. Your team will improve communication and morale and talk about the experience long after it is over. 90% of recently surveyed leaders said that their team’s communication skills improved following their team building experience at The Escape Game. Learn more and book your team building experience at

Word History
What to Know

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Pigeonhole is most used as a verb meaning 'to categorize in a restrictive way.' However, pigeonhole did indeed once refer to small spaces for pigeons, before referring to a space used to store and categorize papers.

'Peristeronic': of or relating to pigeons

The English language has a rich history of words which came into use with a clear and distinct meaning, only to see that taken over so thoroughly by a figurative one that the first use has faded almost entirely from memory. One such example is debacle, which initially meant “a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river” (the word comes from the French débâcler, meaning “to clear”), and now is typically employed to refer such things as “a great disaster,” “a complete failure,” and “the year 2020.” Another such word is pigeonhole, most often encountered today with the meaning of “to assign to an often restrictive category”; did pigeonhole first refer to holes for pigeons?

A Hole for Pigeons

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Yes; we define the first sense of this word as a noun as “a hole or small recess for pigeons to nest,” a use that dates from the latter portion of the 16th century.

Columella affirmeth, that Turtles wyll neyther laye, nor bring foorth in the house, nor Partredges: and therefore they vsed to take them wylde when they were full ripe, and to feede and fat them in little darke roomes like Pigion holes: the olde ones be not so good, as neither the Pigion is.
— Conrad Heresbach, Foure bookes of husbandry, 1577

In the centuries following the noun form of the word took on a number of additional senses, including “an excessively small room,” “a seat in the upper gallery of a theater or in the top row of the gallery,” and “ a small open compartment usually in a desk, case, or cabinet especially for keeping letters or documents.” The last of these featured prominently in the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary, as the editors of the first edition of this dictionary constructed a series of over a thousand pigeonholes, in which they sorted and organized millions of slips of paper, holding the citations that formed the backbone of this great work.

Verb Use of 'Pigeonhole'

Pigeonhole became a verb in the early 19th century, with such meanings as “to place in or as if in the pigeonhole of a desk” and “to make into pigeonholes.”

If the Liturgy could be considered as a country, it is a History of it; and, with regret that Mr. Pruen did not give us more of himself, we readily acknowledge that the labour and perseverance of Mr. Pruen are immense; and that he has shelved, pigeon-holed, and ticketed an enormous mass of multifarious information.
The Gentleman’s Magazine (London, Eng.), 1 Mar. 1821

The rafters and sashes are of iron; the walls are 9 in. brickwork, ends and front pigeon-holed.
The Gardener’s Magazine and Register of Rural & Domestic Improvement (London, Eng.), 1831

How to do over in game pigeon. Above these, he places three courses of __plattings_, the lowest course of which are at every 14 or 15 feet to be pigeon holed across the clamp.
The Repertory of Patent Inventions, 1825

Additional verb meanings were added as the 19th century progressed. These became increasingly figurative, as with the sense meaning “to put away as if in a place readily accessible or for future reference; to lay aside indefinitely.”

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Now, as the monarch died in 1820, it would seem this notice was written in 1845, and pigeon-holed away until now.
The Bristol Mercury (Bristol, Eng.), 19 Jan. 1856

R. J. M. (Hastings, Minn.), obligingly sends the following recipes for the benefit of the Craft. He will perceive that one is omitted: we have pigeon-holed it for future service.
American Druggists’ Circular and Chemical Gazette (New York, NY), 1 Apr. 1860

It is generally conceded that the application of General Sickles for a court of inquiry, and of Fitz John Porter for a reopening of his case, have been pigeon-holed, where they will sleep the sleep that knows no waking.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, 12 Oct. 1867

Modern Usage of 'Pigeonhole'

Towards the end of the 19th century pigeonhole began to be used to mean “classify,” a sense which soon took on the meaning commonly found today: “to assign to an often restrictive category.”

We doubt if we pigeon-hole our emotions more than any other people; but we are, perhaps, more careful to pigeon-hole fine meats, rich puddings, and strong drinks in the same hole with mirth, so as to lay our hands easily on both at once.
The Spectator (London, Eng.), 8 Jan. 1870

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Now, to persons whose strongest tendency is, where out of the sphere of pure poetry, to pigeon-hole ideas, and thumb-screw everything till it confesses its justifying secret and its relations to those grand conspiracies of nature that govern us all without our will, there is something tantalizing about this.
The Contemporary Review (London, Eng.), 1 Apr. 1870

The girl of today refuses to be pigeon-holed into any particular type.
The Washington Post, 6 Feb. 1927

Although doubtless that literal pigeonholes still exist out there in the world, it is likelier that this word will be found describing classifying someone or something in a restrictive manner. Considering how far the word has strayed from its roots, it seems possible that in another century or so it will have some completely new meaning, one even less peristeronic.

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